Tuesday, March 21, 2017

For those looking to self publish...

Let's get one thing straight to start off. In the world of publishing, book covers are VERY important. In indie publishing they are even more important because you are working to market your book. You don't have a big publishing house backing you up, so everything you do has to be even more concise otherwise. 

One thing I learned while publishing Twisted was how difficult it was to find an affordable but good quality book cover designer. Some designers specialize in ebooks, and when they say that and you are interested in print book design also, make sure they can do both. Ebook designs are different files than printed book designs. 

I eventually used ebooklaunch.com and was so impressed with their design for Twisted! I worked alongside an artist (oh gosh, I forgot his name) who worked alongside me to really get a feel for what my story is about before even starting to create the book cover. He kept me updated throughout the entire process, and on the first look, I was in love with the design he was going towards. They also do both ebook designs and print book designs! 

It was overall a wonderful experience! 

The quality of the stock photos were good. The artist's use of fonts were amazing. There was absolutely nothing I disliked about my book cover. People like Mark Coker, the founder of SMASHWORDS, Joel Friedlander, and Derek Murphy all have used ebooklaunch before and wholly endorse it.

And no, I am not being paid to say this. I just figured this is a great resources for indie authors who are on a budget like I was! And my last parting advise is to not go super cheap with your book cover! Remember, you are an indie author. Spending a little more on a cover will reflect on your royalties in the future when you are advertising your book! 

Here are some examples from their website's portfolio:

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