Sunday, July 31, 2016

Back from vacation!!

Hiya, lovelies!

Long time no see, huh?

Well, I've only been gone for about nine days, but it felt so much longer! Me, my friend, my mother, and her friend took a ladies' trip to Colorado because, well, why the hell not?

It was really nice to get away from working on my newest writing project, How to Write Smut (the title is subject to change) and just hang out with some people I love. Now that I'm back, I've got all kinds of new ideas, and even have an idea of how to actually finish the book! So yes, VERY good news!

I want to stress to anyone reading that if you ever get the chance, travel. One of my professors in geology (coincidentally my most hated class) stressed the importance of travelling - to see different cultures and realize the beauty of diversity. It really does make you more 'rounded' in the end - and I don't mean weight, I mean your perception. It opens your eyes, and it's one hell of an exciting education! And it also gives a lot of inspiration! When I went to London for a couple of days before I started working on Twisted, I was so enthralled with London that I decided to set the story in Britain, though in a different area. But if you're a writer, like me, and always looking for inspiration to strike - travelling can certainly do that!

However, here are some words of advice: 

1) make sure you have money before deciding to travel, especially if you want to go on tours and buy gifts. Food and travel expenses are unreal! 

2) Pack only what you NEED! Packing too much is a pain in the ass, so be stingy with what you bring. But at the same time, try not to forget anything too important! Understand the difference between when you want and what you need.

And here are some pretty cool pictures I took! 

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